Reviews on Board Game Geek | Add your own!
...If you enjoy tactical combat games, this is a must buy. It's quick, portable, and highly replayable, with no luck involved, excellent component quality, and simple mechanics.
...The whole game is wonderfully compact and requires relatively little table-space. That plus its 30-minute play time makes Titan Tactics a genuine lunch-time option.
Titans Tactics review from Juego Juguetes y Coleccionables | October 8, 2015 | (Quotes translated from the original Spanish)
...The game is very enjoyable, very replayable and easy to learn. is a very good example of a light tactical game with a very good replayability that rewards good skill and planning appropriate.
...Champions, the expansion of the game Titans Tactics , delivers what it promises, it actually expands the game, not only includes 15 new champions (3 of each color), but also adds more markers of status...
Big Box Gamers: Titans Tactics by Deyan Georgiev | September 11, 2015 | (Quotes translated from the original Bulgarian)
...Titans Tactics is a light tactical game for two.
...will appeal to people who usually do not like confrontational games.
...I want to try as many exciting combinations of champions.
PAX East 2015: My Friend Kirsi Won't Stop Beating Me at Titans Tactics | March 16, 2015
...I saw a lot of really great indie games at PAX East 2015, but there's one that stood taller than any of the others on the merits of its incredibly tight rules, depth of play and engaging system while still maintaining easy-to-grasp rules.
...There's something for everyone and you can play almost any playstyle you can dream of.
...this is a game that makes you think through every move, and that's a good thing.
The Game Pit: Episode 41 - Picking Over the Bones. Hosted by Sean and Ronan. | Februray 25, 2015 | (Review begins at 43:00)
...I tell you the phrase: slow burner, was actually made for this game, Titans Tactics. It didn't make a good first impression. It just caught light 3 games in. I wanted to play again, and again, and again.
...I can heartily recommend Titans Tactics, as a really good, 2 player, in your face, game.
...I would recommend this game. Get past the box. Get past the components. And you'll have a lot of fun with this.
The Married Gamers by Colby Tibbet | November 19, 2014 using elements of games like Warmachine or Malifaux and even Warhammer, Titans Tactics stands on its own for veteran of strategy tabletop, while also extremely accessible to people who haven't played those larger games.
...our initial response was "Let's play again, this time with different characters".
...Titans Tactics is a great introductory game for those who want to get their gamer friends into the increasingly popular world of tabletop board games, but also for those die hard strategy players who want something a little bit more refined and quick for their palette.
Let's Level Up by Rick | November 11, 2014
...a really quick arena game that takes no prisoners.
...I consider it a lot like chess...because this game is strictly strategy based.
...provides a lot of value for such a little box.
Across the Board Games by Luke Turpeinen | October 8, 2014
...With its punchy art, simple rules and small package, Titans Tactics brings a lot to the table.
...I can say that I was honestly blown away by Titans Tactics. The rules are not complex, the goals are easy to understand, it plays in 30 minutes and it's easy to learn and teach.
Gen Con 2014 review by Melvin Smif's Geekery | August 20, 2014
...each faction was known for a certain style of play and there were more characters in each faction that can be played in one game.
I'd encourage anyone to check it out if they like skirmish PvP games.
DeskoveHry and Elephant's Board Games | June 9, 2014
"...Game is fast, dynamic and completeable [sic] well under one hour of time. Titans Tactics are [sic] little known game, that deserves your attention. "
"...Titans Tactics takes all the good games with miniatures and transforms it into the game, [sic] which takes half an hour. And it does it all faithfully, its [sic] amusing and yet completely tactical. "
Read the review in its native Czech!
GeekDad's Table for Two | February 24, 2014
"...the game is more about out-thinking your opponent, not just getting a lucky draw."
"'s definitely a game that rewards skill and planning..."
The Meeple's Republic | January 25, 2014
"It's a great way to introduce people to the strategy gaming world..."
Giant Fire-breathing Robot | January 24, 2014
"This game provides tons of variety. Not only are there five separate teams, each with their own style of play, but there are six options within each team - and you only need three. This provides fantastic variety and will allow you to test out different styles against one another."
Noobsource | January 7, 2014
"Titans Tactics set out to provide players with a tactical strategy game you could play in under an hour and they achieved this in spades."
"It's hard not to imagine playing this on a plane, at the camp-ground, or on a small table at a board game cafe."
Micky B. Novel | December 2, 2013
"If you are looking for a quick and easy game, with the ability to pick it up and go. Titan Tactics is that and loads more."
Got Game Testers | November 18, 2013
"This game have to go in, you have to go hard..and do as much damage as you can..."
Life in Games | November 19, 2013
"The tactics emerge through management of the skill cards, maneuvering on the board in relationship to your opponent's champions, and reacting to the changes in the game situation brought about by the abilities of the enemy champions."
Board Game Quest | November 19, 2013
"Game play is tight and streamlined, with careful planning and forethought rewarded in victory. The design steps taken to eliminate randomness from the mechanics add to the fun of pure tactical game play."
The Dice Tower | October 25, 2013
"...I think you should try it."
Chapter 1 - The Titans Bargain
Chapter 2 - The Crew of the Returner
Chapter 3 - The Created
Chapter 4 - Crucible of Order
Chapter 5 - The Dreamers
Chapter 6 - The Black Brigade
